Anti-corruption business coalition
The ICC National Anti-corruption Coallition is a multi-stakeholder initiative which unites partners from the public and private sector in order to tackle the corruption and raise awareness on the need for integrity in the society. International Chamber of Commerce National office ICC Macedonia initiated the establishing of the national business coalition to fight corruption which was created, with the support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and participation of the Government, Ministry of economy, Ministry of information society and administration, State commission for prevention of corruption, the Academy for judges and public prosecutors and multiple other relevant stakeholders which add value to the process.
The national economy needs improvements in the framework in order to successfully combat corruption. As part of the commitment to fight corruption on its path to the EU, a process has begun, aimed at reaching zero tolerance for corruption, by adopting national legislation, establishing specific institutions and introducing online tools to address the phenomenon. The implementation of these initiatives remains a challenge and the government should work closely with other stakeholders to strengthen its policy developments and practices. However, combating corruption is not only a single step process, but instead asks for good will and sustainable and specific actions by all actors.
In that aspect, ICC Macedonia national office as secretariat of the initiative, and as national office of the largest business organizations in the world is committed to promote the role of both private sector in the improvement of the business and investment climate in the country by cooperating closely with all actors, supporting them to strengthen their policy-making efforts and taking actions and helping Macedonian companies become part of the global supply chain in a responsible way. For decades, ICC has taken the lead in denouncing corruption and in developing measures to combat it. ICC works through national offices to define key anti-corruption priorities for policymakers and the global business community. Through its range of services, we provide the private sector with practical instruments to help companies improve their corporate responsibility performance and shape the development of key standards for corporate responsibility. The ICC Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption is a leading global private sector body that develops rules of conduct and best practices for fighting corruption and provides world business views on key corporate responsibility and anti-corruption issues. The Commission brings together over 300 members from 40 countries, representing multinational companies, law firms, trade associations, and small and medium-sized enterprises. ICC’s approach for fighting corruption and for high standards of responsible business conduct contribute to levelling the playing field for all participants in a global economy.
Through this initiative, we aim to support the work of related institutions in the fight against corruption, and seeks to create partnership in this important fight with deviant behaviour. This will be achieved through various actions and constructive dialogue with government and other stakeholders to enhance a sustainable, trustable and compliant business environment.
In our engagement of contributing to a better business environment, we prioritize especially in those areas of interest that would help the domestic market become part of the EU single market in the near future.
The main objective of our activities is to promote accountability and transparency as indispensable pillars for democratic governance that compel authorities, private sector and stakeholders to focus on results, seek clear objectives, develop effective strategies and monitor and report on performance while constantly preventing, combating and sanctioning corruption practices.
Week of Integrity
The Week of Integrity, an initiative of ICC Netherlands, is a national awareness-raising campaign on the importance of business integrity, which ICC Macedonia aims to embrace and adopt in Republic of North Macedonia.
The Week of Integrity stands as a national awareness-raising campaign where collective action is anticipated as a leverage to draw attention on the importance of integrity and to promote ethical behavior not only in business, but also in the governmental bodies, academia and NGOs.
The goal of the ‘’Week of Integrity’’ is to draw attention on the importance of integrity by promoting ethical behavior not only in business but in the workplace, as well with the governmental bodies and social organizations being active players.
The Week of Integrity wants to stimulate the debate about what integrity means in practice for organizations and individuals.
About ICC Macedonia
The International Chamber of Commerce Macedonia (ICC Macedonia) is a global dynamic business organisation, providing insight and influence on a range of international trade and investment issues.
ICC Macedonia is one of over ninety National Committees of the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC) established in 1919 based in Paris, a organization that is globally recognized in all business sectors. The ICC in which are currently participating business organizations, chambers of commerce and businesses of more than 130 countries, was created – after the First World War – in order to promote an open system of international trade and investment and the market economy, including through the drafting of rules governing international trade.
The ICC, through the activities of fifteen technical committees and numerous other working bodies, give opinions and suggestions on major issues of interest to companies in the field of foreign investments and policies: commercial, financial, transport, marketing, competition, trade regulation, the protection of industrial property, the environment, banking practices and insurance, information technology and telecommunications.
ICC Macedonia, which is based in Skopje, has as partners the major business organizations and trade associations in the country, as well as professionals and experts.
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